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Comment history with Jess-Dot-Net


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

No I was at the one in Chicago.
I skipped school el oh el.

It totally is Tom.
We go to go backstage and I told him about how much he gave us a heartattack and he started laughing so hard!

Posted by TokioHotel on Aug 24, 08 7:39 pm

You was at the New Jersey one? lmao, that is so Tom! I could see him doing that, I would scream so loud everytime I saw his hand come popping out.
...those girls are just weird....

Posted by Jess-Dot-Net on Aug 24, 08 7:04 pm

Your probably lucky you didn't go!
Tom was being mean while we were waiting in the venue.
He would stick his hand out of the curtain and wave.
Then all of these little girls would be talking about how they were going to "bang" the whole band.

llittle weird.

Posted by TokioHotel on Aug 22, 08 7:23 pm

OOOOHHHH your so lucky. I was suppose to see them on the 7th, but the ickets sold out.

Posted by Jess-Dot-Net on Aug 22, 08 8:03 am

I love them!
I just saw them live on the 15th!

Posted by TokioHotel on Aug 20, 08 8:43 pm

YAY!! You like Tokio Hotel. I LOVE them!
Aawesome awesome awesome

Posted by Jess-Dot-Net on Aug 19, 08 2:11 pm
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